This puts the bees' credibility at risk, which may result in a chance of dismissal of the case per Layton's motion and let the humans continue their exploitation of bees.

Barry attempts to warn Adam to stop, but he is too late, and after Adam passes out after striking Layton in the butt, Layton starts to yell out in pain (in a more exaggerated manner) before passing out. However, Barry soon notices Layton and his clients winking their eyes at each other, realizing that Layton is deliberately planning to get himself stung in order to gain sympathy from the jury. As Layton continues denouncing the bees, this finally results in Barry's friend Adam furiously flying up and preparing to sting Layton in retaliation. Calling Barry to the stand, Layton questions him about his friendship with Vanessa before calling him an illegitimate bee because of conflicting statements regarding to Barry having parents (who are already in the court) and the queen bee giving birth to all new members of the hive.

The next day, Layton is seen reading a book regarding to the behavior of bees, as he plans to weaken Barry's case so that he can file for dismissal.
As the trial commences, Barry calls in each of the CEOs and several celebrities (such as Sting and Ray Liotta) as witnesses to the stand, where he provides useful evidence against them (such as the exploitation of bears for their imaging products due to their taste for honey) to undermine their case, much to Layton's anger and disappointment. For his opening statement, Layton mocks the idea of talking bees in the court, which incited an angry Barry to speak on the behalf of the bees, saying that it would be crazy for the humans just to take the honey away from the bees just because they're the "little guy". When the day of the trial came, the CEOs of the honey companies hired their best defense attorney, who was none other than Layton himself. He is aided by the help of his best friend Adam Flayman and their new human friend Vanessa Bloome, who is a florist and a bee enthusiast herself.

When Barry learns that the humans have been stealing and eating his fellow bees' honey for centuries and the bees have been mistreated (mostly by the use of bee smokers) by beekeepers working for companies that are selling their honey, he resolves to sue the entire human race (mostly the CEOs of the companies who has been selling the honey) and put an end to the exploitation of all bees around the world.